Have you ever felt like you were unworthy?


It could have been at the onset of starting a new job, getting a promotion, or even being acknowledged for some achievement/award. There will be times where we feel like we are not qualified or capable of doing something, of having a title, of being recognized. During those times, please acknowledge who qualifies you! God qualifies us to do more than we can formulate in our minds to even consider. We are all born with innate gifts. When God bestows blessings like promotions, awards, raises, new careers, new homes, etc., we have to acknowledge that He is a providing and loving God.

We must acknowledge our qualification is in Him. Therefore, we seek His approval and not the approval of people (spouse, sibling, friends, family, etc.). Since we are qualified by God, let those qualifications bring Him into the equation. Praise and worship Him as you celebrate your qualifications.

 Exchange doubtfulness for delighting in the Lord. Replace timidity and nervousness for triumph and new perspectives of seeing God and incorporating Him daily.

As we all are striving to be the best version of ourselves, we must take on the fruits of the spirit. We must be loving, kind, joyous, peaceful, faithful, gentle and practice self-control. In other words, as we are achieving what God has qualified in us, pay it forward by exemplifying the goodness of our God. Our qualifications are grace-based and we need to be graceful as they occur in our lives. Our God-given qualifications are the stepping stones for us to reciprocate God’s love, God’s power and God’s ability to do a great work in us.

Scripture to Remember: 2 Corinthians 3:5

Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.