Grace Carries Us Through

Daily, we will experience different things. There are times of joy and times of sorrow. Through it all, God’s grace carries us through. This journey requires us to lean on that grace! When we experience things in life, it is not uncommon to try to figure things out...

Encourage Yourself

Journeying through this life, we must gravitate toward positivity. Having optimism means cherishing moments for what they are and wanting the best out of each moment. Encouraging yourself is wanting the best for you. We must encourage ourselves daily.           In...

Heed His Word

Have you ever known that something was not right and decided to still pursue? Perhaps it was a relationship, business venture, career move, or a decision to do something and the consequences were not going to be great. Whatever it was, it was done and hopefully there...

Jesus Saves

As a child, do you recall the sense of safety and care you felt when you were scared or hurt and were able to run to your mom or dad? They would reassure you that everything was going to be okay and they would hug you tight. The love of Jesus is similar, yet so much...

Releasing the Pain

In this life, we will experience pain. There will be times where it seems unbearable, piercing, and it will not feel good. This pain is temporary. God’s love and comfort are constant. Releasing our pain means taking it to God, in prayer. It is an exchange for God’s...