Ideas for Fun


:: Set up  a Treasure Hunt – Hide anywhere from 10 to 20 items around the house or outside to keep kids occupied for a few hours.

:: Watch the Beluga Whales at the Georgia Aquarium – There’s a beluga whale webcam set up at the Georgia Aquarium, so you can see what your whale friends are up to at any time.

:: Bake Together – Cookies, cakes, brownies. Anything! Baking is a great lesson in measuring, ingredients, and of course, making delicious goodies.

:: Have an Indoor Picnic – Grab a sheet, whatever food you have, and enjoy a living room picnic (without the ants). You can even play that memory game at the same time: “I’m going to a picnic and I’m bringing…” Each person takes turns remembering (in order) what everyone is bringing and then adds one thing each turn.

:: Write a Letter – Break out the envelopes, the stamps, the pens, and paper. No, we’re not talking e-mails; we’re talking old-fashion snail mail. Write a mail a letter to someone you love, like grandma and grandpa, or a family member who lives far away

:: Place a Virtual Call to a Family Member – Virtual Calling {FaceTime} is another meaningful way to connect with family and friends while practicing “social distancing.” Use it to check in on family members and to socialize, even if over the phone.

:: Do Spring Cleaning and Organizing Together – We know cleaning isn’t exactly “fun,” but with everyone off from school and off from work, the house is bound to get messy, and pretty quickly at that. Carve out a few minutes, even if it’s just 15, each day to prioritize organization